The bitchslappingest, most bitchin' bitchin' site about bitches on the whole wide Web.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Feminists love killing babies...

Here's evidence of why feminists suck. By the way, whatever stupid cunt who quoted the Dead Kennedys out of context deserves to be turned into so much roasting bitchflesh for that reason alone...


Blogger jubilat said...

those aren't feminists. they are random commentors on a feminist sight. i suggest you examine your rash judgements and use reasonable sources.

10:43 PM

Blogger jubilat said...

okay, i've decided that your comments are trying to provoke something, so i'm going for 'cheap laughs'. i shouldn't have reacted then.

3:24 AM

Blogger Christian J. said...

The dumb bitch has actually returned three times to contaminate this blog with it's non-excisting wit or so it assumes.

They are not called femidiots for nothing.

I thought it was a child ranting but.....


* Age: 26
* Astrological Sign: Virgo
* Zodiac Year: Monkey
* Location: seattle/and back again"

4:32 AM


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