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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Welcome to Fullofshitville -- population: you

Warning: Do not read this post around sharp objects -- I fully clear myself of all responsibility for any sudden, spontaneous suicide attempts.

We are only ever in one of two stages in life: a.) making a decision or b.) rationalizing the decision. Mormons are particularly good at rationalization because the life ideals we are expected to follow more often than not contradict everything we desire on a physical or emotional level. This seems like a horrible situation to be in, but in reality it's not. What it means is that we always have an easy out: we can base a stupid decision on spiritual grounds when we know forking well that it's only because something did or did not float our horny boats at the time.

Male/female physical attractiveness is often gauged (by idiots) on a continuum of 1-10. So let's lump everything else we look for in a mate (spirituality, earning potential, etc) on the same continuum. Within this continuum we're going to ignore the obvious deal-breaking extremes such as abuse (I'm talking about real physical and sexual abuse -- not bullshit you think of in retrospect to justify your decisions. If you look at it in that perspective, you'll find that surprisingly few people are guilty of abuse).

Using that continuum we quickly find that -- surprise, assholes! -- we're all perfect "fives." A person can be an ace entrepreneur yet have the spiritual instincts of a one-celled organism. Similarly, a person can seem incredibly spiritual when in reality they're using their "spirituality" to cover a vast number of weaknesses: lack of ambition, insecurity, body odor -- you name it. It doesn't matter; we all meet in the middle somewhere and are all equally full 0f shit. Furthermore, even if they are legitimately spiritual, that is still not a perfect measurement of character because you CAN'T measure character perfectly until you see how someone reacts to an uncomfortable or life-changing experience. In other words, the extent to which pure survival instincts take over.

What does this all mean? It doesn't matter who you marry because it's all based on looks anyway. People who are ready to marry marry just about anyone as long as they're attractive. People not ready to marry will reject just about anyone. So stop rationalizing shit and acknowledge it.

Now go fuck off -- you're bothering me...