Stop writing about your stupid lives already!!!
What is it about today's narcissistic society that makes people think that hordes of people care about the minutiae of their day-to-day existence? When this whole stupid blogging thing started, I thought people would take it as an opportunity to do something a lot of people had been doing for years (and paying for bandwidth space for, like I really should be doing): posting their wackjob thoughts in cyberspace for the entertainment of all. Instead all we have is "I woke up this morning, took a shit, beat my kid, went to bed." Who the hell cares?
I'd like to think my little anti-female rants at least provide some entertainment value. I wouldn't expect anyone to visit here if I didn't. Why? Because my life's BORING. I don't even wanna read about it, let alone foist it onto other people. And most of your lives are boring, too. The only real excitement this life offers is thought, humor and imagination -- everything else is just plain old survival.